living on pb & j

Ordinary moms living on Prayer, the Bible, and Jesus!

Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe

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The other day, I got the book Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson. It was wonderful! Beginning to end, I was helped and encouraged, double-tapping on my Kindle Fire to highlight all the things I wanted to remember!


{Disclaimer alert!} As always, there will be things in a book I do not agree with. Is that not true of most books? Even true of conversations with your closest friends? 🙂

Sarah Mae is a mom like you and me. She home schools. She has three young ones. She is where I am in my life. Her part in writing the book was to say, “I understand!”

Sally Clarkson is an older woman, who has already raised her children. And they have “turned out.” Her part was to say, “I have been there. Here is how I handled that.”

It has so many wonderful ideas, I could write forever!

But this is one idea from the book, that I want to leave with you.

You are the mom God wants your children to have! He wants to help you raise your children. It’s easy to get side-tracked with others’ voices. Grandma says, “Let them sleep on their tummy.” The pediatrician says, “Never their tummy.”

Some books will encourage you to spank for every offense. Others will say you should only spank in extreme cases.

Your mother and mother-in-law disagree on when to start solid foods.

A friend may say, “You should always tell your children they are beautiful.” Another friend says, “You shouldn’t tell them they are beautiful; they will grow up vain and conceited.”

So many voices!

So, get in God’s Word, become more like Him. Listen to His heart and learn of Him. He will be the voice to actually help you raise your children! Sometimes you need good advice, and sometimes you need ideas on how to handle a difficult stage with your children. But ultimately, you are their mother. God made it that way! Listen to Him. He is the best parent ever!

So, get the book… and be encouraged!

❤ Joy

Click here for the review on my personal blog.

Click here for the Desperate Mom website.

One thought on “Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe

  1. Pingback: Desperate Moms | Crossroads Homestead

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