living on pb & j

Ordinary moms living on Prayer, the Bible, and Jesus!

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The Couch-Bed


One recurring problem for me in raising my children is discipline. I do it, but it often feels too late, too frantic, and sometimes too harsh. I put off their bad behavior as long as I can “stand” it, then overreact. It’s never good. Please don’t tell me I’m the only one!

Then if my children disobey, or obey v.e.r.y slowly, it frustrates me to no end. {And it was really my fault to start with!}

Over, and over again, I realize that my children need me for more than to correct their fighting and bad attitudes. They need special time where Mommy is listening to them and is interested in their lives. They need to be treated like fellow human beings that have their own minds, their own desires, and their own fears. How do I feel if someone tells me I am wrong and never tells me I am right? Or even that they love me? I really don’t want to hear anything they have to say!

So, every little while, I try to make them feel special.

Last night, I actually had a moms’ night out with some other ladies, so I suggested to my husband that they get out the couch-bed and watch movies while I was away. It is one of my boys FAVORITE things ever! It is the grand treat for them! So, after they watched a few movies, they played “house”, and the underneath part of the couch was their bedrooms. It was adorable! And when I got home, I played with them in their “house.”


It means so much to our children to show that we care what is important to them! And it only takes a few minutes of our time.

Here’s to playing!

❤ Joy

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Giveaway Winner!

I was going to upload a video of the winner. Due to technical complications, I cannot. Sigh.

I have uploaded the video to facebook and I’m hoping the winner will see her name there first. Thank you all for entering. I enjoyed reading about your sweet Christmas memories!

So without further ado… drumroll please….

The winner is Patty Johnson! Patty, I am so glad you won. I will be contacting you for your mailing address.

Merry Christmas!

❤ Joy

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It’s “Pay Day” in the Fall!

Long before Pinterest was established, a friend of mine (and my secret sister at church) gave me a jar of this fabulous fall treat! The instructions with it were to close my eyes and think “Pay Day” while I enjoyed the snack! It worked! =) No, it is not healthy, but it is an easy, tasty, festive, cheerful, bright, yummy snack that my family enjoys. Simply mix Candy Corn with Dry Roasted Peanuts! It has a way of drawing family members near… as the second picture depicts! 😉

Happy Fall, Y’all!

From our home to yours,   Jeri Lynn

*Edited:  Add milk chocolate chips to the mix to have “Babe Ruth” in Fall Colors!  =)