living on pb & j

Ordinary moms living on Prayer, the Bible, and Jesus!

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The Grumble Box

The Bible clearly states in Philippians 2:14, “Do all things without murmurings and disputings:” and in Philippians 4:11 it states, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”

These are 2 great verses that I think every family member should memorize. Grumbling and complaining come so easy. Too easy. Many times we don’t even realize that we are doing it.

When we hear our children complain, we are so quick to point out to them that they need to have a grateful heart and they have  so much to be thankful for but does the conviction set in whenever we catch ourselves?

One idea I ran across was called, “The Grumble Box”.  You could do your own variation of it but basically you make a box and entitle it, “The Grumble Box”. (And one of the verses previously stated would be a great reminder if put on the front of the box as well) Then each member of the family is given an “X’ amount of pennies. (You may have to supply them with more later on in the month if they run out – but hopefully they won’t need anymore:)

Whenever a member is caught “grumbling” they are to donate a penny to the Grumble Box. Normally this challenge  would last for about a month. At the end of the month, it’s quite the eye opener to count all the grumbles (aka: pennies) that made their way into your lives. You tell each person at the beginning of this challenge that what money they have left, they get to keep. (You could choose to use dimes. They would add up more in the end and may be a better incentive to not grumble)

But you can see how this would help all of us to hold our tongue and to play the “Glad Game’ instead! There’s too much to be thankful for to be found complaining!

Love, Jenn

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Remembering Your Blessings

Good Morning!

I pray this Monday morning finds you doing well!

We are in the midst of moving and we are so excited about it! The Lord made our paths cross with a home that needed much TLC but it was exactly what we had been looking for and we were willing to put the work into it to make it our own!

It even had some of the extras that I wanted but weren’t needed. The Lord knows and grants even the desires of our hearts.

Our Lord is so wonderful!

So, since the end of December, my husband has been Superman! Fixing up the house in the morning hours and working his 2nd shift job in the evening.  I just love him!

Meanwhile, I have been packing and sorting! And THROWING AWAY! 🙂  Did I mention throwing away! 🙂

While going through things, I found what my husband and I started when we were first married.

It’s what we call our Blessing Book.

We moved back to Ohio about 5 years ago and it’s been packed away since then but not on purpose.

 It just never got unpacked.

But over the years, certain blessings would come our way and I would think, “That would be a good one to add to our Blessing Book”, but I never searched through the boxes to find it.  Looking back, I wish that I would’ve. 😦

 But after finding it the other day and looking through it, it brought back so many wonderful memories. Blessings I had forgotten about!

Many times, it was a certain person being a blessing to us in one way or another.

So, as I read the blessings, I lifted that person’s name up to the Lord and prayed that He would bless them for being a blessing to us.

*Side note: Be a blessing to someone today! You never know, someone may be adding you to their blessing book and praying for you!*

I kept it out of the boxes this time! I am going to continue to use it in order to remember my blessings from here on out.

You could use any journal to record your blessings.  This little booklet was given to me as a gift and on the back is a website that I will share.

I’m not sure if they are still available from there or not but it’s worth checking into! 🙂


Much love,

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Fun: You’ve Got to Have a Good Time!

family fun

Today is February 28. Six years ago, I gave birth to my first and my most precious little girl. I can’t believe that it has been that long. More and more as the days go by, I realize that these long days turn into years gone by – very quickly!   I want  to take in every moment to enjoy my daughter being young.

I tell myself all the time, “Jennifer, stop what you are doing and play with your daughter.” I have regretted in times past that she has asked me to play something with her and Mommy has been “too busy”.   I want to make that change today!  I don’t ever want to be too busy!  Their hearts are too precious to turn away.  It’s the little things we do as moms, that may not seem like a lot to us  but in reality,  mean the world to our children.

As my daughter turns six today, I realize that I have already missed so many moments to have fun and be spontaneous and I don’t want to have any more regrets. Those dishes can wait, the laundry can wait and picking up toys that will eventually be pulled right back out, can wait too!

Children love to have fun. Their little hearts are so sweet, tender and innocent and just love to always have fun.

Did you know that the average four-year old laughs four hundred times a day?! They find humor in the simplest things.

Oh, to find such joy in the simple things of life! We can learn so much from our children–if we will just pay attention to the lessons before us.

Too many of us have forgotten how to have fun! I certainly don’t want to look back when my children are grown and say,

“I wish I had loosened up. I wish I’d had more fun.” I want to do that now, while I can make the change and make a difference in my children’s lives.


Opportunities for fun happen on a regular basis–as mothers we choose to either maximize the moments or minimize the fun.  


I really want to try harder in maximizing the fun and to stop worrying about a schedule or cleaning up messes after the fun! I truly want my children to have sweet memories about the fun, special times we created at the impromptu moments!

So, as I celebrate the six years I have had with my daughter, I look back and see where I can improve in these areas and by God’s help,

I want to create happier memories and just have a good time!

Our children are only little once! So, go ahead!!! Be a fun mom!  You’ll never regret it!
