living on pb & j

Ordinary moms living on Prayer, the Bible, and Jesus!

of messes and controlled chaos

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As we close out the week- for us, the first week of school and a week of some personal, intense, spiritual learning and growing, I thought I’d share something fun {copied from a post I did about a year ago!}.
Let us have some fun with our children and make some memories… and maybe make a castle!
{with some PB & J snacks :)}
upon first glance you must think
this is a haphazard mess!
 and, in a way, you would be correct 🙂
but there is control in the chaos!
 with EVERY. SINGLE. couch pillow forming walls
and the coffee table edging the ‘front’
with all their throw blankets spread out.
one on top of the other.
[cause no one’s blanket can be left out!]
my girls lounge in their CASTLE!

can you find them? LOL

and yes, they KNOW they are PRINCESSES!
My girls ask to play CASTLE- and I know that I will have, at the very least, 30 minutes of relative harmony and very few questions. Of course, there is the mess. But he who makes a mess… you know it! Cleans it up! Mostly it is just putting the pillows back on the couches and taking their blankets back to their room…
and they will sit in their CASTLE and read books, color, watch TV, and play general make-believe very nicely-so I help them get all those stuffed animals back to their basket when it’s all done.
My girls have actually not made a CASTLE in a few months… but they do still love to play with the pillows. I’m thinking maybe we’ll make one tomorrow; and Kyria and I will take turns reading books to the littles….
Praying you all have blessed weekends!!
blessings, Tascha

Author: tascha

I am a woman who has been saved by God's grace and strives to serve Him. I am married to my best friend and we have 4 blessings that we are attempting to train up in serving our Lord also. I am daily learning what grace is, what it looks like, and how to live it in every area of my life. Becoming the lady the Lord created me to be is my life's goal... and my daily one is to simply do better than I did yesterday. You can also find me at and

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