living on pb & j

Ordinary moms living on Prayer, the Bible, and Jesus!

Smiles…Giggles…and Hugs!

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A few years ago, my now grown children were part of a homeschool group, and one of our most memorable field trips, at least for me, was to see the Smokey Mountain Passion Play.

It was truly a great blessing seeing the life of Jesus portrayed.

But one of the things that SO blessed me…and caused me to think was how Jesus was portrayed  walking into the town with His disciples….and the children!

Some may think of Jesus just being straight-faced…..maybe not smiling, as He went about His Father’s business….but in this play, as he saw the children, they ran up to Him, sat in His lap.  He then played with them, swinging them around, laughed with them, had fun with them.

I don’t know for sure if this was how it really was, but I like to believe so. He loved them SO much!

We should always be ready to give someone a smile, especially our children and grandchildren! They need our love….our hugs….we need to laugh and play together!

And not only they, but what about the cashier having a bad day? Or maybe someone in our church family going through a rough time.

Granted, it’s not easy amid our own trials, and burdens, and disappointments sometimes,  but that’s where our faith in Him and His precious Word comes in.

So,  may we show our loved ones, and a lost world, that “I’d rather be an ole time Christian, than anything I know”!

Proverbs 17:22 says….A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…

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